When terrorists seize control of a boarding school, a group of troublemaking boys decide to resist them.

William "Billy" Tepper: Come on man, get up. We've gotta strike back or I'm going to look like a douche bag in front of the entire school.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: You were born looking like a douche bag.
[the boys have been discussing, but rejecting, the possibility of switching the transmitting chips]
Derek 'Yogurt': Of course, the reverse is also true.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: What the hell do you mean the reverse is also true?
Derek 'Yogurt': If you take the other chip, the *receiving* chip out of the plane, you can switch it with the receiving chip in the detonator.
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: This had better not be mouthwash.
William "Billy" Tepper: Trust me.
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: [after drinking] Trust me... Asshole, this *is* mouthwash!
William "Billy" Tepper: No, it's not.
Ricardo Montoya: It tastes like mouthwash. What the hell is it?
William "Billy" Tepper: Four parts 100 proof Vodka. Two parts Peppermint Schnapps for that *mouthwash* flavor and one part Crème de Menthe to make it green.
Luis Cali: Do you speak Spanish?
Ricardo Montoya: No, not really.
Luis Cali: [in Spanish] Put a bullet in him.
Ricardo Montoya: No, wait.
Luis Cali: Wait? What? You don't speak Spanish.
Ricardo Montoya: I'm sorry, sir. I do speak a little Spanish.
[Cali knocks his leg out with his gun]
Luis Cali: My father sent me to a school that looked a lot like this one. A military academy in Pennsylvania. Perhaps you've heard of it. The Armitage School.
William "Billy" Tepper: Yeah, sure.
Luis Cali: You really have no sense of discipline, do you?
William "Billy" Tepper: Look, I'm sorry about the shower thing and I promise...
[Cali forces him onto the desk and pulls out a metal pointer]
William "Billy" Tepper: Oh, God.
Luis Cali: This is how they taught ME discipline! And believe you me, I LEARNED!
[beats him with the pointer]
[Billy Tepper is late for the count, resulting in a count of one boy short]
Luis Cali: I *told* you what would happen if one of you escaped. Did you think I was KIDDING?
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: Man, this stuff is great. It's opening up my lungs, it's making me breathe easier.
Ricardo Montoya: Evidently it's making you fart easier, too.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: I didn't fart.
Ricardo Montoya: It's the first rule of prep school etiquette. When you're in a basement with no windows, don't fart.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: No, the first rule of prep school etiquette is to pretend you're asleep when your roommate's beating off.
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: No, the first rule of prep school etiquette is to wait until your roommate falls asleep before beating off.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: Was that a personal remark directed at me, roommate?
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: Choke your chicken. It's yours.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: You slap your monkey all the time! I can't sleep at night!
Headmaster: Now this object I'm holding here is call... well some of you may have seen one before, it's called a book. You may have seen one on television.
Dean Parker: I'm not going to expel you. Three schools have done that and it's obviously done nothing for your character... I'm going to do much worse. I am going to keep you here until you graduate. It'll probably take years at this rate.
William "Billy" Tepper: I might wear you out before then.
Dean Parker: Oh don't you worry about wearing me out. I'm going to wear you out.
Ricardo Montoya: You can't smoke in the dorms.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: What are they going to do? Kick me out?
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: Well, we managed to stay together anyways.
Ricardo Montoya: Yeah, that's my ambition in life - to die with you guys.
Dean Parker: Do you think you're the first kid to put liquor in mouthwash bottles? It was done in my day. I may have even done it myself.
William "Billy" Tepper: You're fuckin' morons. You know that don't you? You're fuckin' morons.
Ricardo Montoya: That's why we hang with you Billy.
Luis Cali: What does your father do, William?
William "Billy" Tepper: He's a contractor.
Luis Cali: According to this he owns the third largest construction company in the world.
William "Billy" Tepper: Yeah, he's a contractor.
Frank Ingram, Guard: Dean's waiting for you guys back in your room.
William "Billy" Tepper: Pleasure knowing you.
William "Billy" Tepper: Gentlemen, here's to Mr. Donohugue.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: Yes, to Phil. May he get laid while on the outside.
William "Billy" Tepper: If you're going to kick me out, kick me out. Don't make me look like a nark to my friends.
Dean Parker: If we expelled you that would make four prep schools in four years. Are you trying for the Guinness Book of Records?
Jennifer: Oh, tell me what you look like.
William "Billy" Tepper: Uh, well... I've got blonde hair, and um, I wear an earring in my left ear, I'm about 5'9", 150 pounds... did I mention I'm black?
Jennifer: You sound very sexy, Steve. I like long, blond hair on a black man. I've also got long, blond hair. I'm not black, but I'm very, very tan. I'm wearing black lace bra and panties that feel really *hot* against my skin. Would you like me to take my bra off?
William "Billy" Tepper: Yes. yes, please.
Joey: There's one of them at the end of the hall.
Billy: Yeah?
Joey: So we make some noise and we get him in here and then we jump him.
Billy: Then what?
Joey: Billy. He's got a fucking machine gun. With a fucking machine gun we can shred these fuckers.
Jonathan: You know, this machine gun stuff must run in Mafia families.
William "Billy" Tepper: Great, the school gets taken over by terrorists and I'm still on pots and pans.
Derek 'Yogurt': I'm Derek and he's Ted, and, yes, this is OUR room.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: Not anymore.
Headmaster: Try not to laugh.
Dean Parker: I'm trying.
Henry "Hank" Giles III: Mouthwash?
William "Billy" Tepper: Yes, mouthwash... but maybe not.
Henry "Hank" Giles III: What's the deal, Billy? Are you trying to tell me my breath stinks?
William "Billy" Tepper: I wasn't saying your breath stinks. Why do you take everything so personally? Damn, Hank.
William "Billy" Tepper: All right, what now?
Derek 'Yogurt': All right, all right. Very, very carefully take the red chip out of the receiver.
William "Billy" Tepper: There is no red chip.
Derek 'Yogurt': There must be.
William "Billy" Tepper: Well I'm sorry, there isn't. There's a blue chip the same size as the red chip, but there's no red chip.
Derek 'Yogurt': That must be it then.
William "Billy" Tepper: Well is it, or isn't it?
Derek 'Yogurt': I don't know.
Luis Cali: We're letting you go.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: Why?
Luis Cali: Because we respect your father.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: Fuck my father and fuck you too. I'm not going anywhere without my friends.
William "Billy" Tepper: They're going to shoot five kids if I don't go back.
Military Officer: They're going to shoot you if you do go back.
Luis Cali: What? Not proud of your father?
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: No.
Dean Parker: They're going to hunt you down, you know that, don't you? They'll eventually find you and then they will kill you.
Luis Cali: You Americans always say that, but you never actually do it.
[after saving the school]
William "Billy" Tepper: Does this mean I'm off pots and pans?
Dean Parker: Oh no, you're not getting off that easy.
William "Billy" Tepper: What kind of stuff do they have?
Student: What do you mean? What stuff?
William "Billy" Tepper: Guns, grenades, that kind of stuff.
Student: Man, they've got tons of it, all kinds. A big machine gun... Wait a minute. I'm not going to get in trouble for this, am I?
William "Billy" Tepper: Don't be a wuss.
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: We can't just sit by and let these bastards fuck with our lives.
Henry "Hank" Giles, III: Do we have a choice?
Joseph "Joey" Trotta: Yes.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: Um, guys? Can we change the subject? I'd like to go to bed without wetting my pants.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: Oh yeah, that's wonderful. Now all we have to do is get Cali out of the Headmaster's Office which he hardly ever leaves, sneak past the guard, switch the chips without setting off them bombs, and then get out without being seen.
William "Billy" Tepper: That's right. That's it exactly.
Jonathan "Snuffy" Bradberry: I was attempting to be sarcastic.
William "Billy" Tepper: Well you shouldn't have been. You should have been writing it down.
William "Billy" Tepper: Jeez-Louise, Yogurt, you sound like we're trying to defuse a bomb or something.