A news team is sent to Burundi to capture and bring home a legendary 25-foot crocodile. Their difficult task turns potentially deadly when a warlord targets them for death.

Steven Johnson: You know what? This crocodile's like O.J. Simpson. He messed up when he killed that white woman.
Steven Johnson: [sees an random African in the airport] What up, my brother?
Steven Johnson: [guy stares at him] Well, fuck you, too.
Steven Johnson: I'd never say this in front of a bunch of white people, but slavery was a good thing. Anything you gotta do to get the fuck out of Africa is OK with me.
Aviva Masters: [about her "relationship" with Tim and Steven's boss] We go to dinner, and to art openings, and people assume...
Steven Johnson: Of course they do!
Aviva Masters: Look, do you think if he gave a shit about me, I'd be here right now? He just... he likes to be seen with women.
[Tim and Steven sit up in surprise]
Tim Manfrey: Roger's gay?
Steven Johnson: International playboy, married six times? He's not tapping your ass, somebody's tapping his?
[Tim and Steven laugh and bump fists]
Aviva Masters: Look, guys, please don't tell anybody. Please don't...
Steven Johnson: [they're in the middle of a swamp] Aviva, who the fuck am I gonna tell? Jojo? Hey, Jojo, you know Roger Sharpe?
Jojo: [sleepily] No.
Steven Johnson: He's gay.
Jojo: Okay.
Mathew Collins: It's a wonder there are any crocs left.
Jacob Krieg: You may be grateful for my skills. You're after a maneater.
Mathew Collins: There are more than enough human beings on this planet. The crocodile is exceptional. A creature of far greater value.
Jacob Krieg: You don't seem stupid, so you must be insane.
Aviva Masters: He works for Little Gustave too.
Harry: So many of us lead double lives. In the city I'm just another functionary, but in the bush, I am God.
Tim Manfrey: He is Little Gustave.
Steven Johnson: [to villagers] Y'all ever seen Jaws, the movie? Might wanna check that out.
Steven Johnson: I feel like a pork chop on Queen Latifah's dinner plate.
Steven Johnson: [to Jojo] If I have to shove you up my ass to get you through customs, you are going to America.
Aviva Masters: Sorry I called you an asshole.
Tim Manfrey: I'm sorry I am one.
Tim Manfrey: It's stuck.
Aviva Masters: It can't be stuck. It's a fucking Range Rover!