But especially if you have the wrong people within your circle. Truthfully, at the end of the day, no one cares about you in this business whether they are your agent or your manager or your publicist.
God knows I gave my best in baseball at all times and no man on earth can truthfully judge me otherwise.
If I could rub a genie and anything could happen? Truthfully, my other love, and this is a complete 180, but I'd love to do a spy or an espionage pic, like a James Bond movie.
In a community center in India once, somebody said, 'Aren't you sorry you don't have children?' And I thought, 'If I answer truthfully, I will lose them,' because it was a very different culture and a different place. And then I thought, 'What's the point of not answering truthfully?' So I told them the truth - I said, 'Not for a millisecond.'
Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.
I truthfully think, a consistent coach over 30 years, probably, I'd rather be that than having one championship and mediocrity for years.
There's an old hymn called 'How Can I Keep from Singing?' That's what writing feels like to me. I have to write. It's intrinsic to who I am. So it was a natural choice for me to try to pursue writing as a career. Truthfully, though, I still daydream about how fun it would be to ride on the back of a garbage truck.
People treat you according to your energy or what you put out there, so what I put out there is very open. I'm not paranoid or scared, I'm open. That's how I treat people, with respect and speak truthfully.
What a world we live in. I want to be incredibly close to the heart of it all. To live honestly, truthfully and to be completely present is the ultimate enterprise.
Truthfully, without over-egging it, as I often do, the library and journalism, those things made me who I am.