Something is wanting, and something must be done, or we shall be involved in all the horror of failure, and civil war without a prospect of its termination.
Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.
I had no inducement to proceed further into the interior. I had been sufficiently disappointed in the termination of this excursion, and the track before me was still less inviting.
Instead of fostering the kind of dialogue in the boardroom that has in part contributed to our success, the board has inappropriately chosen to silence my concerns through termination as an executive officer.
That can be achieved by termination of Israeli occupation to the territories according to the international resolutions related, so the Palestinian State can be establish with Jerusalem as capital for such State.
I have become a prisoner of the peace movement. But you can't say that the termination is coming and then say that you are going back to your own garden to dig.
The civil war which has so long prevailed between Spain and the Provinces in South America still continues, without any prospect of its speedy termination.