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Fear is the main factor in Arab politics... There is no Arab who is not harmed by Jews' entry into Palestine.
I have an unexplainable belief that I will never cause harm or be harmed while at sea. Because of this, I feel secure at sea: I feel secure in the ice, I feel secure in the storms, and I feel secure in confrontations.
The third group is focused on counterintelligence and security. I think the reason for that is fairly evident, in terms of vulnerabilities of the department and the harm that can come to it by failing to detect when we have, in fact, been harmed.
This morning's scene is good and fine, Long rain has not harmed the land.
He who prays five times a day is in the protection of God, and he who is protected by God cannot be harmed by anyone.
My self healing lies in praying for those who have harmed me.
Dams have harmed our wildlife and made rivers less useful for recreation.
Not only the bull attacks his enemies with curved horn, but also the sheep, when harmed fights back.
Yes, there is a story about Agent Orange, and we knew that it harmed our troops and we knew how long it was to get the medical community to accept that, the military to accept it, the VA to accept it.
I said in court a long time ago that I didn't see that the Soviet Union was significantly helped by the information I gave them, nor that the United States was significantly harmed.